Earth Quake
“Shaking of earth, caused due to release of energy and generates waves that travel in all directions"
Types Of Earth Quakes.
- Tectonic Earth Quakes
Tectonic Earth Quakes:
- Due to transform movement of tectonic plates
- Struck together while moving due to friction
- But breaks with force at focus and leading to release of energy all along fault region.
- Volcanic Earth Quakes
- Collapse Earth Quakes[Mining]
- Explosion Earth Quakes[Bombs]
- Reservoir Induced Earth Quakes-No lower threshold on the size of reservoir
Types of waves:
- Body Waves
- Surface Waves
Body waves:
- So, 105-145 -identified as shadow zone of both waves
Surface waves:
- Body waves interact with surface rocks
- So,new set of waves generated
- Last to report
- Most Devastating
Intensity Vs Magnitude
Earthquake events are scaled either according to the
Damage caused by event
Measured by Ritchter scale
Measured by Mercalli
Range : 1-10
Range : 1-12
Earthquake as a geomorphic agent:
- Ground Shaking
- Differential ground settlement
- Land and mud slides
- Soil liquefaction
- Ground lurching
- Avalanches
The above listed have some bearings upon landforms
Types of Volcanoes:
- Shield Volcanoes - largest - not steep
- Composite Volcanoes - Pyroclastic material ,So Formation of layers
- Caldera Volcanoes -most explosive -collapses themselves
- Mid oceanic Ridge Volcanoes-Under Ocean
Volcanic Landforms:[Both Extrusive & Intrusive]
- Plutonic rocks - lava cools under earth
- Flood Basalt provinces - due to flow of lava -Deccan traps
- Sills - Thicker horizontal bodies
- Sheets - Thinner horizontal bodies
- Dykes - perpendicular to planes
- Batholiths - lava plane
- Lopoliths - saucer shape
- Phacoliths - parallel to bending planes
Locational Aspect of Earth quakes & Volcanoes:
- Line of dots in the central parts of the Atlantic Ocean almost parallel tothe coastlines.
- further extends into the IndianOcean.
- It bifurcates a little south of the Indian subcontinent with one branch moving intoEast Africa and the other meeting a similar line from Myanmar to New Guiana.
- line of dots coincides with the mid-oceanic ridges
- shaded belt showing another area of concentration coincides with the Alpine-Himalayan system and the rim of the Pacific Ocean.
- the foci of the earthquake in the areas of mid-oceanic ridges are at shallow depths
- whereas along the Alpine-Himalayan belt as well as the rim of thePacific, the earthquakes are deep-seated ones.
- The map of volcanoes also shows a similar pattern.
- The rim of the Pacific is also called rim of fire due to the existence of active volcanoes in this area.