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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Earth Quakes & Volcanoes

Earth Quake

“Shaking of earth, caused due to release of energy and generates waves that travel in all directions"

Types Of Earth Quakes.

  1. Tectonic Earth Quakes
Tectonic Earth Quakes:
  • Due to transform movement of tectonic plates
  • Struck together while moving due to friction
  • But breaks with force at focus and leading to release of energy all along fault region.

  1. Volcanic Earth Quakes
  2. Collapse Earth Quakes[Mining]
  3. Explosion Earth Quakes[Bombs]
  4. Reservoir Induced Earth Quakes-No lower threshold on the size of reservoir 

Types of waves:
  1. Body Waves
  2. Surface Waves

Body waves: 
  • Dive through Solids,liquids & gases
  • Dive through Solids only
  • Shadow zone - Minimum
  • Shadow zone- Maximum
  • So, 105-145 -identified as shadow zone of both waves

Surface waves:
  • Body waves interact with surface rocks
  • So,new set of waves generated
  • Last to report
  • Most Devastating 

Intensity Vs Magnitude

Earthquake events are scaled either according to the

  • Energy released during Earth Quake 
Damage caused by event
Measured by Ritchter scale
Measured by Mercalli
Range : 1-10
Range : 1-12

Earthquake as a geomorphic agent:

  • Ground Shaking
  • Differential ground settlement
  • Land and mud slides
  • Soil liquefaction
  • Ground lurching
  • Avalanches

The above listed have some bearings upon landforms


Types of Volcanoes:
  1. Shield Volcanoes - largest - not steep
  2. Composite Volcanoes - Pyroclastic material ,So Formation of layers
  3. Caldera Volcanoes -most explosive -collapses themselves
  4. Mid oceanic Ridge Volcanoes-Under Ocean

Volcanic Landforms:[Both Extrusive & Intrusive]
  1. Plutonic rocks - lava cools under earth
  2. Flood Basalt provinces - due to flow of lava -Deccan traps
  3. Sills - Thicker horizontal bodies
  4. Sheets - Thinner horizontal bodies
  5. Dykes - perpendicular to planes
  6. Batholiths - lava plane 
  7. Lopoliths - saucer shape
  8. Phacoliths - parallel to bending planes

Locational Aspect of Earth quakes & Volcanoes:

  1. Line of dots in the central parts of the Atlantic Ocean almost parallel tothe coastlines.
  2. further extends into the IndianOcean.
  3. It bifurcates a little south of the Indian subcontinent with one branch moving intoEast Africa and the other meeting a similar line from Myanmar to New Guiana.
  4. line of dots coincides with the mid-oceanic ridges
  5. shaded belt showing another area of concentration coincides with the Alpine-Himalayan system and the rim of the Pacific Ocean. 
  6. the foci of the earthquake in the areas of mid-oceanic ridges are at shallow depths 
  7. whereas along the Alpine-Himalayan belt as well as the rim of thePacific, the earthquakes are deep-seated ones.
  8. The map of volcanoes also shows a similar pattern. 
  9. The rim of the Pacific is also called rim of fire due to the existence of active volcanoes in this area.