option Chain

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mass Movements

Mass Movement.

 “Transfer of mass of rock debris ,down the slopes under the direct influence of gravity"

  • Active in weathered slopes rather than over unweathered materials
  • Weathering aids mass movements
  • But its not a prerequisite for mass movement
  • NO ,geomorphic agent participates in mass movements

What favours Mass movement ?
  • Faults
  • Steeply dipping beds
  • Vertical cliffs
  • Steep slopes
  • Abundant precipitation
  • torrential rains
  • Scarcity of vegetation ..,etc
Causes precede mass movements. 

  • removal of support from below to materials above through natural or artificial means; 
  • increase in gradient and, height of slopes;
  • overloading through addition of materials naturally or by artificial filling; 
  • overloading due to heavy rainfall, saturation and lubrication of slope materials;
  • removal of material or load from over the original slope surfaces; 
  • occurrence of earthquakes, explosions or machinery;
  • excessive natural seepage;
  • heavy drawdown of water from lakes, reservoirs and rivers leading to slow outflow of water from under the slopes or river banks; 
  • Indiscriminate removal of natural vegetation.

Mass Movements - 3 Forms
  1. Heave
  2. Flow
  3. Slide

Slow mass movements:

  • Cannot be seen .For Instance, poles on roads will bend overtime due to creep
Based on Materials involved,
  • Soil creep
  • Talus Creep
  • Rock creep
  • Rock glacier creep


"Flowing Soil mass/fine grained rock debris"
  • lubricated with water
  • Location : Moist temperate Areas

Rapid Movements:

1.Earth Flow

"Movement of water, saturated clayey earth materials down low angle terraces”

  • Rocks also may slide

2.Mud Flow

 “Looks like Stream of mud ,within a valley Occurs in the absence of vegetation with huge rainfall”

  • Very destructive
  • Location: Frequently near volcanoes 

3.Debris Avalanche

“Similar to snow avalanche"

  • Much faster than mudflow
  • with / without vegetation cover 

4.Land Slide 
  • Dry material involves
Size and shape of detached mass depends on nature of 
  • Discontinues in rock
  • Degree of weathering
  • Steepness of slope

 “slipping of one/several units of rock debris with a backward rotation with respect to slope “

6.Debris Slide

 “Rapid rolling /sliding of earth debris without backward rotation of mass”

7.Rock Slide

 “Slide of individual rock masses down bedding surfaces”

LandSlides/Debris avalanche occurs frequently in himalayas,But western ghats doesn’t frequently?


Himalayas :
  1. Tectonically active
  2. Mostly made of sedimentary rocks .unconsolidated & semi consolidated deposits
  3. Slopes - very steep

western ghats:
  1. tectonically stable
  2. Made of very hard rocks
but,still, debris avalanches and land slides occur though not as frequently as in the Himalayas, in these hills
  1. Almost vertical cliff escarpments
  2. Heavy rainfall but overshoot periods
  3. Mechanical weathering ,due to temperature changes 
So there is almost direct rockfall quite frequently along  with land slides and debris avalanches